Thanks for visiting Most of our efforts at the Ozark Schools Support Team are not directed through this website. This website is here only to give the public a flavor of who we are. We have a little bit of outreach through Facebook and YouTube, and some activism at the school board meetings.
We are a watchdog organization, monitoring for problems and avenues to organize solutions. We are beginning to populate this site with perspectives on problems as we see them, either in our own community or in other areas as parents across the state and nation are beginning to see and react -- and improve -- what lies behind the curtain of our "local" schools' governance.
Who is Ozark Schools Support Team?
Ozark Schools Support Team (OSST) is exactly what the name implies.
We are a group dedicated to supporting the Ozark School District in its mission to educate our students in order to graduate the best possible citizens, thinkers, leaders, and educators of the generation that follows them. To that end, we work with citizens, teachers, administrators, and the school board in support of our motto: Strong communities build strong schools to build strong citizens to build strong communities.
We cherish a strong bond with school board members, school administrators, teachers, parents, taxpayers, and all patrons of the school district who share this belief. We stand ready to support any and all who understand that the purpose of education is to develop graduates who can think critically and enter the world ready, able, and willing to explore new solutions to both arising and age-old issues.
To that end, communities everywhere elect representatives from the district to govern the local public education structure. The word govern is not used lightly here. The school board is the government of the school. The board does not answer to educators or administrators; it answers only to its district patrons, the taxpayers in the community. Nor does it answer to the Missouri School Board Association or the Missouri Education Roundtable; it answers only to its patrons. Outside a very few State laws that must be adhered to with respect to reporting, it does not even answer to DESE; it answers only to its patrons. We the people of this community elect this board, monitor this board, and require that this board answer to the community. OSST exists to support a board that supports the elective, representative, democratic republic form of governance and to bring a board that strays from those principles back to that form of governance.
Long gone are the days when school boards are dictated to by their own administrators. Administrators are hired to support the mission of the board - not to direct it.
Gone are the days when our elected representatives choose not to hear what we have to say about the job we elected them to do but instead physically usher parents and taxpayers out of meetings simply for having a different opinion.
Here to stay, in Ozark at least, is the day when community, school board, and school work together to build a better tomorrow by graduating strong citizens who are ready, willing, and able to carry on the great American tradition.

Representative School Governance
Principles Which Apply to School Governance We are in the process of developing a list of governance principles, and we want to hear from you: What do you believe is important for guidance? What else should be included? What should be edited? What should be deleted? Representative Governance Applied to School Districts Schools should…
The Missouri School Boards Association is in a Sticky Spot
Here we copy an insightful and intriguing article taken from From: MSBA By Gretchen Garrity There were several very important outcomes to yesterday’s (April 2, 2024) municipal races in Christian County. First, the Christian County Health Board has three new members who are dedicated to individual freedom. It is a huge win for citizens.…
Board Refuses to Enact Accountability Measures
The following post is taken from a report originally published at the website of one of the recently-elected board members. Accountability: The Forbidden Topic This July, a patron submitted a policy proposal to the Ozark Superintendent for review and distribution to the board according to the guidelines found in Board Policy BF. It would have…
Who is REALLY making Ozark School District look bad?
A series of billboard images running on Hwy 65 is calling community members’ attention to problems in the Ozark School District ( This criticism is uncomfortable for some people. They find it distasteful and unconstructive. They suppose that shining a spotlight on an ugly situation is itself an ugly, and perhaps even hostile, act. It…
If Dr. King were here today, what would he say about the Ozark School District?
A reaction to the Hwy 65 billboards criticizing the Ozark School District administration ( calls to mind the criticisms Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. faced for organizing his civil rights protests. He was criticized for his timing and methodology. He was criticized for causing tension and disruption in the community. Our natural, automatic response to…
The Most Powerful Man in Town
Reprinted with permission from the Christian County Trumpet article published on June 7, 2023. Who is the most powerful person in your community? The mayor? The police chief? The CEO of a major corporation? Here are several possibilities: a) The guy who runs the corporation with the largest budget b)…
Criticism: Sometimes It’s the Sincerest Form of Loyalty
There is a tendency to assume that public criticisms about problems in the Ozark School District ( are an attack on the District itself. What should one do when he/she sees fatal problems developing in an institution he/she loves? The responsible, caring response is to attempt to remedy those problems from within. If subsequently expelled…
To See a Problem and Do Nothing is to Become Complicit in the Problem
When the house on the corner of the street has a loose dog that bites you as you walk by, what do you do? Do you try to persuade the homeowner to chain up his dog? Do you try to summon the dog catcher to come seize the dog? Do you invite the police to…