Board Refuses to Enact Accountability Measures

The following post is taken from a report originally published at the website of one of the recently-elected board members. Accountability: The Forbidden Topic This July, a patron submitted a policy proposal to the Ozark Superintendent for review and distribution to the board according to the guidelines found in Board Policy BF.  It would have…

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Who is REALLY making Ozark School District look bad?

A series of billboard images running on Hwy 65 is calling community members’ attention to problems in the Ozark School District (  This criticism is uncomfortable for some people.  They find it distasteful and unconstructive.  They suppose that shining a spotlight on an ugly situation is itself an ugly, and perhaps even hostile, act.  It…

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The Most Powerful Man in Town

Reprinted with permission from the Christian County Trumpet article published on June 7, 2023.   Who is the most powerful person in your community?   The mayor?   The police chief?   The CEO of a major corporation?   Here are several possibilities: a) The guy who runs the corporation with the largest budget b)…

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Criticism: Sometimes It’s the Sincerest Form of Loyalty

There is a tendency to assume that public criticisms about problems in the Ozark School District ( are an attack on the District itself. What should one do when he/she sees fatal problems developing in an institution he/she loves?  The responsible, caring response is to attempt to remedy those problems from within.  If subsequently expelled…

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